
Generate request handlers from an OpenAPI specification.

The fromOpenApi function generates request handlers from the given OpenAPI document.

Call signature

function fromOpenApi(document: OpenAPI.Document): Promise<RequestHandler[]>

Both OpenAPI 2.0 and 3.0 are supported.


There are multiple ways to describe an OpenAPI document. The fromOpenApi function expects an object as the input, which means that other formats, like YAML, have to be parsed into JSON before they are used with this function.

import { fromOpenApi } from '@mswjs/source/open-api'
import api from './api.spec.json'
const handlers = await fromOpenApi(api)

You can also define the OpenAPI document directly in the arguments to fromOpenApi, which is a handy way to start exploring the OpenAPI specification:

await fromOpenApi({
  openapi: '3.0',
  info: {
    title: 'My Test Specification',
    version: '0.1.0',
  basePath: '',
  paths: {
    '/user': {
      get: {
        responses: {
          200: {
            description: 'User detail response',
            content: {
              'application/json': {
                example: {
                  id: 'abc-123',
                  email: '',

This document will generate a GET request handler that will respond with the JSON response defined in the example.

OpenAPI specification

Generate request handlers from OpenAPI documents.